Truth Be Told

I just about reached that point again that I spent a long time running from, that moment I realized you were still there in my heart. I did so much to cover it up and hide the love, so I spent all day questioning after everything Why? Why are you still in my heart like you are? Why is love still so heavy in my heart, and why are you embedded there? And no matter how much I try to hide it, and run from it and the reminder of no longer having you there. You are the one I’ll love until the day I die, you will live in my heart forever. I know the conversation between me and the Most High concerning you, but I also know the place I am in too. A place where I desire to strengthen me even more, to be the best me possible. To spread the Love of God the best way I know, to continue to be focused on what matters in this moment to me the most. Yes, you are one of a kind special to me and my soul. I’ll never disrespect you and this you know, I would die for you. I have already proven my loyalty to you, and I have already proven the truth of what genuine love is when it comes to loving you.

Love is when you see past a person flaws and love them still. Love is when you have disagreements, but you find ways to see yourself through them. Love is in spite of differences you never lose hope, faith, trust, or understanding. Love keeps no record of wrong and will conquer hate, anger, and resentment. Love is what will see anyone through the fire and back to life. Love will even conquer death just like Jesus did, and will live throughout eternity. That’s the kind of love I have hidden in my heart for you, there was once a time I found it hard to breathe without you. And I honestly didn’t know how I would live without you, but thank God for His Love and my prayers to Him. He saw me through and continues to see me through daily, and any time I get back to that moment of feeling the pain of not having you there. I lean on God and I trust Him to hold me together, I wish I could snap my fingers and the love will just go away. But truth is I have accepted that it won’t and that’s because you took my heart so long ago.

I thought I knew what Love was before knowing you. But you taught me what it truly is, and that it first starts with loving myself and knowing my worth. You taught me so much and helped save my life, I wish I would’ve knew you before it all and had you there to hear me like you always did. You pushed me to be better, and you pushed me to do better and to find my true strength. They may say why do you still love him after betrayal, broken promises, disloyalty, and indifference? My response to that is when you genuinely love someone, you don’t stop loving them because of their flaws. You pray for them, you fast for them, you keep on having faith in them. You remember the good in them and let it outweigh the bad, you don’t throw them away or push them away. Because you know they are genuinely better than that, and you know the greatness that is deep on the inside of them.

Author: ladyebonyl

Walking in my truth using life lessons to help the next. Perfecting my craft one blog at a time, walk with me on the journey of telling my story.

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