Messages of hope: Healing after the storm

Betrayal, lies, emotional abuse, just to name a few things that aren’t easy to conquer and get through. Can end up leaving you drained in more ways than one, can leave you searching for peace in the midst of a storm. Have you wondering why you so angry? Why you so quick to snap at the next person, when they only made a mistake? When you find yourself in this place, it is immediately time to find the cause and then release it. We often put ourselves back into the same storms, that leave us so drained while the ones who brought the rain(tears and pain) often walk around with no remorse at all. Sometimes even playing the victim when then know exactly the roles they played. Sacrificing yourself for others when they have proven, they most definitely wouldn’t for you.

Toxic behavior towards you can leave you feeling broken, and most of all confused. I mean you did everything right, you forgave over and over again. You loved more than you loved your own self, you encouraged, was loyal, patient, understanding and so much more. But it was simply never enough especially for those, who simply only think of themselves……


Author: ladyebonyl

Walking in my truth using life lessons to help the next. Perfecting my craft one blog at a time, walk with me on the journey of telling my story.

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