A letter to HIM!!!

I just had a moment where you crossed my mind. And the question came to thought, how could you love and care about someone so much still that betrayed you? Someone who took your most private thoughts, and shared them with another that had no buisness seeing it. But, when control is a silent form of manipulation what is a person to do? I’ve been on that side before, where I was manipulated and controlled on more than one occasion and I was trapped until I found strength to run.

I was so angry with you and it even came to a point I hated the air you breathed for the pain you brought me.. And no one was there when I begged God to take that anger away, I begged God to heal my heart because it was broken and destroyed. I knew I genuinely loved you, when I would cry and could barely breathe. That pain was deep in my soul, and I wouldn’t wish it on my enemy. Many times I questioned how could I live without the one that meant so much to me? You were my friend, you were my prayer partner, you were my confidant, and you were who I thought was my secret keeper. I trusted you, I opened my heart to you and you knew some of what I went through. I needed you and you were my calm, it was your voice that helped ease one of the horrible times in my life when death was around me& I trembled at the pain of not understanding why me? What did I do to deserve such evil, you know me and I know you both sides of you. The part many don’t see, I’ve known you for what feels like a life time. I always said I knew your soul before I knew you, the divine connection was too deep I know I knew you in another life.

Anyone that can tell when someone was hurting. And I knew exactly when you were hurting, something was deeper there than the eyes could see. I had to forgive you, because the love was stronger than the hurt and the disappointment. I will love you until the end of time, I’ll love you past time and what I found out after everything is this. You are still my calm, you are still my earthly joy. You are still my peace in the midst of sadness, you have been there even when you knew I hated you for your indifference towards me and stubborn ways you were still there. You have been strength to me in my darkest hours, when I couldn’t see my way I stay praying for you and I ask God to cover you. I mean you know if anything ever happened to you I would genuinely be a mess, I would have to be carried for real because you my ACE together aren’t you are my eternal Love. My twin flame, my smile, my goofy joking ACE, oh how I laugh when I know I irritate you with my sarcasm at time it’s the look you give 😂😂Grateful to finally know what it means. When it was said true Love, will conquer anger, resentment, hate, disappointment. I still believe that LOVE will always win, it will win through any storm Te Amo mucho mi amor mi Rey, mi eternal🖤

Sidenote: I pray often and no one and I do mean no one will ever come before my God. But, I know love to be a power of truth only Heaven sent, He commands that we love one another. And without a doubt soul mates are beyond real, and a creation wrote in is when created. The man I talk of is everything and more, through the good and bad and tears. I trust God in everything He do, and even if I’m alone without him I’ll always love him for being there for me through thick and thin& to help me pray away my tears and fears. I honor God the most High God for His life, I know His purpose is greater than Him and my purpose is Greater. I want nothing more than the man I adore to dig deeper into God, I pray God purfiy his heart and soul and may the anointing upon his life speak to millions and deliver and set free the broken this is my righteous prayer.

My Heart Be still.

Today I struggled with the thought of you and I asked God to protect me from all the pain that was brought by you while loving you. I was completely in love with you, God knows I genuinely only saw your heart and soul. I went up and down with you, and I’ll never forget the betrayal that came with you. I would’ve never thought it would’ve been, a man I know loved and care for me and allowed his pride and stubbornness to get in the way. I’ll never look back, unless you are there with a knew view and truly see with the eyes of God.

I saw so much purpose in you and I want you to be well. I want you to truly now at His feet, I pray that he do a new thing in you and deliver you from self hurt. Because you truly cannot love another, or be in love with another until you rid yourself of past hurt. Until you see with the spiritual eye’s God gave, that’s when you’ll genuinely become whole and complete. I love you more than you know and you are in my heart, my soul is forever connected to you and I pray God’s covering over you.