Moving Forward

  • An open letter to an old friend: I finally understand it now and it took 30 years to get it. But better late than never right?? for many years I did it all wrong and now I understand why the connection was so strong. I thought I knew love and all its greatness, but fact is I never did and what a shame! If I could go back and take back my time, giving money, loving unconditional etcetera and being a great woman like I was taught to be. To the ones I thought I loved and loved me…. I would probably be rich. When I look back and flash forward, you taught me more things in a short time than I learned in 30 years. You helped me to find the true value in myself, you taught me that I didn’t have to give anything up but truth to be the best me. You taught me what it really means to love someone, through the good and the bad you were there. You became a confidant, and someone I looked up to and admired your strength. I used to be the type who likes to over talk, just wouldn’t listen but you taught me how to humble myself in submission . You taught me that we as humans could never know enough, and we must keep our minds open ready to receive whatever else will help us to grow and be better than the day before. You taught me courage under pressure, and how to stay centered. You taught me how to let so much go and to take it to God in prayer, you helped me to see light in any situation and your selfless heart I saw. There were times we didn’t see eye to eye and I got on your nerves I am sure, and you most definitely got on mine lol. But at the end of the day I know the bond that was there , and I know that I genuinely loved you and grateful to have known you and thankful for your light too. I could go on and on about the good in you, but I won’t because in time the universe will speak, and show you just how much you did and always will mean to me and as 2015 comes to an end I hate I have to leave you there. But in this season I know it is best!!!!3649112dd46d0340003ddbec6bca331b

Author: ladyebonyl

Walking in my truth using life lessons to help the next. Perfecting my craft one blog at a time, walk with me on the journey of telling my story.

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